In the manga series, Nozomi Fujisaki, also a friend to Adachi and Kurosawa, is a BL fan.
Both versions make Nozomi a marvelous character. I analyze the character in the live action version here.
I appreciate the manga series Nozomi for the final page of Volume 11.I can entirely relate. Without going into personal details--been there. There is something simply soul-destroying about the growing number of people in our society who think their job is to issue commentary on other people's lives/personalities, whatever direction that commentary is coming from. "I have an opinion and a label and psychological analysis, which I have the right to deploy because I'm offended that everyone isn't exactly the way I want them to be" has become not an exception but a norm (and, again, it is applied across the board).
Why does Yaoi/BL stop the death spiral?
I think people seek out particular novels, poems, movies, visual arts as comfort in not-so-great situations. Yaoi/BL specifically offers romance without the cultural insistence that any woman who loves romance must be indulging in wishful thinking: time to haul out the opinions and labels and psychological analysis. Okay, there are people who still think that. But the carping voices stay at a distance because the reader knows better:
We love Yaoi/BL for the story and the characters. We love Yaoi/BL for the constructive positive view it takes of relationships and the universe.
That type of artistic appreciation still exists.