Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Complaint: The Dumbness of Leaving Out Honorifics

One thing that irritates me to no end is manga and light novel translations that replace "sensei" and/or "sama" with "sir." 

First of all, it doesn't translate. No teenager talks like that. They do say "sensei" and "sama" but neither is, in fact, "sir."

The result is a translation that sounds forced. 

What further irritates me is how unnecessary the changes are. American readers readily embrace these titles and honorifics. Why leave them out? Is it such a crisis--from a publisher's standpoint--to have readers encounter "sama" and "san" and "kun" in the text? 

These are readers who happily adapt to reading from right to left, who seek out authors whose names they likely can't spell, and who embrace anime with English subtitles--

And their lives are going to fall to pieces because of the presence of Japanese honorifics and titles that anyone can look up online and most of these readers likely already know? 

Leave them in!