Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Love the Inner Geek on Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing delivers an episode in which the following occurs:

CeCe, played by the talented and hilarious Melissa Peterman, confesses to Joe, played by the entirely awesome Jay Leno, that she is really a cat lady who likes to stay home. Since he "googled 'rave' and it scared [him] to death," they decide to go off and have a coffee somewhere.

Meanwhile, Ryan and Kyle, who love to talk about geeky stuff, have a falling out until Jen gets them back together. They start arguing about Frankenstein and then decide that if Frankenstein "made a man--why wouldn't he make a dog?"

And the hilarious Nancy Travis, who doesn't appear to have a self-conscious bone in her body, delivers her robot impression as Vanessa. Tim Allen as Mike counters with his Pac-Man impression. 

The inner geek reigns! Big Bang Theory, of course, showcases this idea at the extreme (simply because every character in the show is a geek), my favorite being when guys in Hong Kong or mainland China turn the apartment lights on and off in the protagonists' apartment. 

Last Man Standing demonstrates the truth: 

Just like everyone secretly thinks everyone else was popular in high school, everyone secretly and not-so-secretly loves the geek, even if they didn't go to MIT or CalTech!