Monday, October 2, 2023

Cats in Manga and Anime: Punch Up

Cats permeate media. They are everywhere! 

I'll be posting some of my favorites. 

The cats of Punch Up are some of my absolute favorites. Maki starts out with one--a stray that Kouta was caring for--and ends up with two, a mother and son. One of his (successful) arguments with Kouta when Kouta is debating where to live is, "I have cats!" 

One of the couple's most romantic moments is when Kouta rushes out to tell Maki about the "cats in a pot just like on the Internet." I'm-too-cool-to-be-serious Maki undergoes an epiphany: Aren't I lucky? I never thought anyone would care enough to tell me something like this.

Cats do love their pots.