Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Smiles Sell the Scenes

Physical acting is important. It is one reason Keanu Reeves is actually quite enjoyable to watch: he moves so well

Two of my favorite characters in BL have fantastic smiles. "Ah, there's that million-dollar smile," I say when one lights up the screen. 

Can from Love by Chance is the first. In one scene, he gets Tin to buy him lunch and collects several plates of food. He smiles cheerfully at Tin as he sits down to start eating. 

He then delivers this hilarious little old man nod when Tin asks, "You can eat all that?"

But the smile comes first. 

In a later scene, Can smiles at Tin after he apologizes for mean things he said to Tin. He then holds out his pinkie to seal their rapprochement. 

The second character, Gun, comes from My School President. He smiles slowly when Tinn kisses him on the cheek, a signal that Tinn intends to court him eventually. For all his bohemian tendencies, Gun is the less confident and more serious of the two. The pure happiness--I am loved--of his smile goes straight to the heart.