Monday, March 14, 2022

The Remarkable Non-Romantic Relationships of WKRP

I'm a big fan of romance, and this blog is mostly devoted to romance. 

Elsewhere, I address how romance is defined in part by singleness. How a writer paints singleness indicates how the writer will resolve a relationship. Jane Austen's insightful approach to the single lifestyle tells readers, She is preparing singles for relationships where the self remains intact

WKRP is remarkable since it amuses and attracts by presenting relationships with no requirement for consummation. The relationships tell us more about the characters. 

Herb adores Jennifer. Johnny flirts with her. A tough cookie, she knows exactly what she wants in relationships and life. She stays single.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlson are blissfully happy.

Andy protects Bailey. She has a crush on Johnny. They are all good friends.

Gentleman Venus Flytrap has a good relationship with many women, including Andy's sister. 

Les dates a number of women, from Jennifer to a lady who tries to move in with him after one date. 

Mother Carlson flirts with Andy, much to her amusement. 

No relationship is presented as a given (except the Carlsons). Every relationship has potential. Over its sadly short run, WKRP managed to avoid the revolving-door plot. Relationship are about what they reveal, not where they end up.